Do I Need to Schedule a Make-Up When CBD Cancels Classes?

It is not necessary to schedule a make-up when we cancel a class (or when we take a break for the holidays).  We typically ask you to make up classes because we teach specific things in each class and if you miss this material, you'll end up getting behind in your progress.  When we cancel a class, the program simply picks up on the following week.

In addition, our payment system works holidays into the process.  We charge you four credits each month.  One credit equals one class.  Over the course of a year, four credits per month for twelve months comes to 48 classes per year.  Because a year has 52 weeks, there's 4 weeks of classes that are not covered in your monthly tuition over the course of a year.  We purposely undercharge you on the assumption that (within any given year) the average student will miss 4 classes on account of classes being cancelled by us due to holidays, weather, emergencies, technical malfunctions, etc.

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