Can My Child Wear Floaties or Flotation Devices?
We are a floaties-free environment. Floaties, often enough, can become a crutch and a hindrance to learning. A parent should be as vigilant with their child’s safety in the water whether that child has a floatie on or not. Unfortunately, a false sense of security can occur (for the child, as well as the parent) when a child is using a flotation device.
If a child is at such a level in their swimming development that a parent does not feel that their child is safe in the water without a flotation device, we would recommend that this child does not participate in water activities outside of our classes until both the child and the parent are comfortable in a floaties-free environment.
Our goal is to make sure your child is safe, comfortable, and confident in the water without the need of a floatie and that parents are always aware of their responsibilities when their child is in a water setting.